path-, patho-, -path-, -pathia, -pathic, -pathology, -pathetic, -pathize, -pathy
(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception; suffering, disease, or disorder; a system of treating diseases)
In medicine, some of these elements usually mean "someone who suffers from a disease of, or one who treats a disease"; so, they should not be confused with the words that mean "feeling" which are also shown on these pages even though both meanings come from the same Greek element.
An abnormal anxiety of hair, its color, growth, or disorders: Jill developed trichopathophobia because she was very concerned about her tresses after hearing about her friend Jill and the illness she had regarding losing her long locks!
A disease of the hair; trichonosis; trichosis: Trichopathy is what the doctor diagnosed when Susan went to see him regarding her scalp itching and some hair falling out.
A disease caused by nutritional deficiency: When Grace was examined by Dr. Tall, he asked about her eating habits because she had a disorder of nutritional processes termed trophopathy, which could possibly be due to a vitamin deficiency.
unsympathetic (adjective), more unsympathetic, most unsympathetic
Descriptive of a person or something that is insensitive, heartless, or indifferent: Jack was totally bored and unsympathetic when his neighbor told him about his lost dog that had been away for a whole week!
In anatomy, a disease of the ureter: Jack read on the internet that ureteropathy pertained to an ailment or malfunction of one of the two long narrow passages that transported urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
Pathogenic organisms in the urinary tract: Uropathogens that can cause an infection in the urinary tract can be bacteria or viruses.
Any disorder, or disease, involving the urinary tract: Such uropathies can include kidney stones, prostate issues, infections of the urinary tract, and bladder control problems.
Any diseased condition of the vagina: Some vaginal infections, or vaginopathies, can cause itchiness, soreness, and an uncommon vaginal discharge.
Vaginopathy can be brought about by parasites, viruses, or fungi growth. These growths can be triggered by the intake of antibiotics, by the use of tampons or by douching.
Any disease of the blood vessels: Such vascular ailments, or vasculopathies, including aneurysms, blood clots, and coronary artery diseases, can be extremely serious.
A disorder involving both the nerves and blood vessels: Vasoneuropathy is a combined vascular and neurologic defect, the lesions being caused by simultaneous action of both the vascular and the nervous systems, or by the interaction of the two systems.
Any abnormality of the cavity of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear or the parts: A typical form of vestibulopathy is tinnitus. Migraines have also been connected with vestibulopathies.
One of many kinds of eye ailments of the retina and vitreous humour: Vitreoretinopathy is a disorder of the clear gel that fills the eyeball and the retina of the eye, the most severe consequences of which are usually traction phenomena leading to the detachment of the retina.
An affliction of the external genital organs in the female: Vulvopathy is a disorder that can affect the vaginal opening, (the folds are called the labia majora and the labia minora), and the clitoris.
Xanthochromia: Xanthopathy is characterized by the occurrence of patches of yellow discoloration in the skin, resembling jaundice.
The study of the diseases of animals; animal pathology: Zoopathology is a branch of medical science that deals with the causes, nature, and effects of animal diseases, especially those of the lower animals.